Wednesday, April 12, 2023

UIDAI reduces License fees for eKYC (KUA) services to 5 Lakhs for 2 years. Also offers free preproduction period for New AUA / KUA 's



The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) was charging license fees of 20 lakhs for 2 years for Authentication User Agencies (AUAs) and e-KYC User Agencies (KUAs). However, after receiving feedback from entities performing fewer authentication transactions and having a small capital structure, UIDAI has decided to review their license fees and they have reduced it considerably based on transaction counts.

AUAs performing up to 5 lakh transactions per year will be charged Rs. 5 lakh for 2 years, 

AUAs performing from 5 to 20 lakh transactions per year will be charged Rs. 10 Lakhs for 2 years, 

and for AUAs performing more than 20 lakh transactions per year will be charged Rs. 20 Lakhs for 2 years. 

Additionally, newly onboarded AUAs will be granted free access to the pre-production environment for the first three months, but if they fail to move into production within the given time frame they will have to pay the pre-production license fee of Rs. 5 lakh. Furthermore, at the time of subsequent renewal if the entity is found to have performed higher number of transactions, then the differential will be recovered along with interest. This revised license fee policy will come into effect from July 1, 2023.


For more information contact us.

We, Finahub, are experts in Aadhaar related products and services like eSign, online 
KYC, Authentication, etc. If you want to know how your enterprise can start using it, please give us a call  @ 0484 2388285 or email us at